Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Welcome to It Is Written.

This is a blog dedicated to books. I like to think of it as a spot for book lovers to go to for honest thoughts on books that I have read. Being an avid reader, I have a lot of material to fall back on. It will take me a while to build up some volume. So, if you have a title in mind, please ask me if I have read it yet. If I have I will share my thoughts on the blog.

As I have stated, I love to read. I can honestly say it is a major passion in my life and one that I share with my wife. I will give anything a shot, except for romance novels. I apologize to those who enjoy the genre of romance novels, they just do not hold any fascination for me. I get into a lot of Science Fiction/ Fantasy; Thrillers; History; Biography; Mystery; Classical Literature; Westerns and I can go on and on. I think you get the idea.

Sometimes I will review an entire series. If I do this, I will provide a list of the books in the series. I will even let you know if it necessary to read the books in order or not.

There will be other times where I will give commentary on subjects related to books such as picking out something to read, a new publishing group or even an old publishing group or any other idea that may come to mind that is related to books.

Just for fun, every now and then there will be theme weeks. I hope you have as much fun reading them as I do writing them.

Most of all I hope I can help you find your next great read. Some of the postings will be older books. Others will be what is currently on the bestseller list. And then there will be the book that should be on a bestseller list that you may not ever be aware exists.

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