Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Washington: A Life

Title: Washington: A Life
Author: Ron Chernow
Publisher: Penguin Group
Publication Date: November 2010
Genre: History/Biography
Pages: 928

Okay, I will be the first to admit that I may a a tad biased when it comes to reading books about George Washington. He has been a hero of mine since I was a kid and just learning about him in school. With all of the books written about him, do we really need another one? Has the subject of his life been done to the point of boredom and turning him into the wooden figure people think of when they think of people from our past?

Let's face it, after a while the figures from our past become nothing more than facts and figures and run the risk of becoming wax mannequins than the vibrant people they were when they were alive.Well, to answer my first question, yes, we do need another book about George Washington, especially when written by Ron Chernow (author of 2005 best seller Alexander Hamilton). To answer the second question, Ron Chernow brought back to life our nations first president and did it in a way that makes you feel as if you are there with George Washington during his life.

In Washington: A Life, Ron Chernow brings George Washington to life and dissolves the god-like facade that many Americans have given him. You will experience all of his life, his loves, his passions, his vibrancy, his faults, and his ability to inspire those around him. This book is more than a biography of our first president. It is also a biography of our very country and the growing pains we have experienced. This is a must read for any one who is the least bit interested in just how our country was formed.

I can go on and on about each chapter, but I do not want to take away from you the re-discovery of our first president and the shaping of our nation. I also do not want you to feel as though I am pushing you into reading this. It is your choice, as always, but I will say if you do pass on this, you will be missing out on a really enjoyable reading oipportunity. Ron Chernow has indeed brought history to life!

5+ out of 5 stars
Re-readable factor of 5 out of 5

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