Monday, February 21, 2011

American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House

Title: American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House
Author: Jon Meacham
Publisher: Random House
Publication Date: November 2008
Genre: History Biography
Pages: 512

When I was laid up in the hospital in 2008, I watched a lot of television, particularly the History Channel. One morning, there was a two hour special on Andrew Jackson. After seeing it, I wanted to learn more. Around that time, Jon Meacham released his biography on Andrew Jackson and it was on it's way to becoming a Christmas present from my wife.

What really struck me was that Jackson was not your typical "born with the silver spoon in your mouth" president. He did not come from money, but was an orphan who fought for everything he wanted. He quite literally was a man of the people, and he gave a voice to those people and their hopes and fears as the nation faced many challenges both at home and abroad.

To tell the story, Jon Meacham draws on newly discovered papers and letters that bring to life this man as never before. Just remember that it deals with Jackson's time in the White House, and not his entire life. As much as this book is about Andrew Jackson, it is also about his family, his love of a new wife, his friends, and his cabinet. You get a wonderful view of the manners and culture that was the  Washington community at that time.

5 out of 5 stars
Re readable Factor of 2 out of 5. As good as this book is, I really do not see myself giving it a second read. There are other biographies of Andrew Jackson out that will give me a better view of his entire life.

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