Saturday, February 19, 2011

House of Blood

Title: House of Blood
Author: Bryan Smith
Publisher: Dorchester Books
Publication Date: December 2004
Genre: Horror
Pages: 384

I was going through the bookstore looking for something new in the horror field. I wanted an author I had never heard of. Then I came across House of Blood. I had never heard of Bryan Smith up until then. The title sounded like a B-grade horror movie you go to see at a drive-in on a Saturday night with your girlfriend, because you know she is going to end up getting closer to you (unless she is a total psycho). My curiosity was piqued.

I started it almost the moment I got it home. I was just itching to tear into it. My wife and i sat in the living room that rainy afternoon and read. When I looked up I was halfway through it. I looked at the clock and noticed that four hours had passed. How could that be? I just started it for crying out loud! And now I had to stop to go make dinner! I looked at my wife and asked if we could just order a pizza or something. She agreed, I made the phone call and ordered the pizza, and went back to reading. The pizza came, I ate and went right back to reading. Yes, it is THAT good! Turning the pages was like eating potato chips, you could not stop at just one.

House of Blood tells the story of five friends who are lost on a Tennessee interstate. They are tired and tense after having a major argument over a vacation gone bad. They pull off the interstate onto a backwoods road and find a house in the middle of nowhere. The lights are on in the house, so they go to the house and knock on the door. Later on, the ones who survived agree that they should have never gone to the house. The house is basically the entrance of Hell, and once that front door closes, the terror and screaming begins.

House of Blood has everything you are looking for in a horror novel. Pain, fear and blood, plus a back story of a slave uprising lead by the most unlikely of characters. This book will make you think twice before turning off the interstate and approaching a house with the lights on! Do not start it if you have any other plans!

5 out of 5 stars

Re readable factor of 5

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