Thursday, February 10, 2011

Forum: Angry Robot Books

I wanted to share with you a fairly new publishing company. Angry Robot Books. They are headquartered in Britain and have been able to acquire some of the hottest names in Sci-fi, Fantasy, and Horror plus some authors that I have never heard of.

What drew me to this company was the format of the book. When you look at the back of the book to read the teaser you will see a tab in the upper right corner. This is a "File Under" tab. What I love about this tab is that it adds to the teaser to see if it the particular something you were looking for. Example: Mike Shevdon's Sixty One Nails has a file under tab that reads:

"File Under
Urban Fantasy
 -Hidden War
 -Ancient Rituals
 -Secret history

So my initial thought was "Awesome, this is the something different I was looking for"... Really. The teaser on the back cover is short. Like three sentences short, so that file under tab helped me make up my mind to plunk down the money for this one.

The other neat thing about that back cover is at the bottom there is space for "If you like this try". And will go on to list some similar books not published by Angry Robot Books and then will offer books from their line. Isn't that like putting the wants and reads of the reader ahead of their own? Gee.....what other company does that?

One other fun thing about this publishing company. When you look at the copyright page in the beginning of the book, you will see at the top of the page .Right under that you will see a little message. Mike Shevdon's Sixty One Nails has the message "Mine". In Andy Remic's Kell's Legend it is "No More Heroes". It's a funny little thing, but to me it makes it that much more fun.

I encourage you to look into Angry Robot Books. If you are in the bookstore, look for the half black half white robot with the red bar for eyes. That's their logo, their calling card for a fun experience in reading.

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