Monday, February 14, 2011

Honor Bound

Honor Bound (Honor Bound Series #1) by W. E. B. Griffin: Book CoverTitle: Honor Bound
Author: W.E.B. Griffin
Publisher: Penguin Group
Publication Date: November 1993
Genre: Historical Thriller
Pages: 560

Sometimes when I read I go through phases. When I was going through my World War II phase, I wanted something different to read. Not unusual and off the wall, just different. I found that something different in Honor Bound, the first in a series by W.E.B. Griffin. This was also the first book by Griffin that I have read, and after this one there will most definitely be more.

Honor Bound is set in neutral Argentina. Small merchant ships are delivering supplies to Nazi submarines and raiders. The OSS wants to sabotage this operation and enlists a marine aviator, Cletus Frade to help them. In Argentina, Cletus will be reunited with his estranged father Jorge Guillermo Frade, also known as "El Colonel"

The backdrop of Argentinian society provides and exotic location. By the time I was halfway through with this book I wanted to go to 1942 Argentina. The father-son story line also kept me interested, as well as the mission to destroy the merchant ship. All of this ties into an excellent thriller that will provide enough twists and turns to keep you guessing until the final page.

Honor Bound does not end on a cliffhanger, but it is engaging enough with its characters that you will want to see what happens next in the next books. If you decide to get this, then do yourself a favor and at least pick up its follow up, Blood and Honor.

The list of books in this series are as follows:

Honor Bound (1993)
Blood and Honor (1996)
Secret Honor (1999)
Death and Honor (2008)
The Honor of Spies (2009)
Victory and Honor (2011)

 5 out of 5 stars

Re-readable factor of 4 out of 5

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