Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Forum: On picking your next read.....

A lot of times I have a hard time picking out what I want to read next. A lot of it depends on my mood at the time, or even what has influenced me. Then there are those times where I want to read EVERYTHING at once. It gets so bad that sometimes I juggle three or four books at a time.

Last night is such an instance. I had started a book, got sixty pages into it and it really was not doing a thing for me. (I really wanted to like this book just because of the subject matter.) So I decided to put this book down and try to read it another time. So I go into the process of picking my next read. Believe me when I tell you it is a process.

The process starts with a stack of as many as ten to twelve books. Then it gets whittled down to four or so. Then I go to one, but it does not mean the one I am sticking with. So last night, I had three books next to me on my night stand. A history, a mystery, and a science fiction. I picked up the sci-fi, read it for a few minutes, then went to the mystery, read that for a few minutes then (you guessed it) went to the history. After a few minutes of that, I turned off the light and rolled over to go to sleep. As I was drifting off to sleep, my wife said "Maybe you should read a fantasy, you haven't done that in a while"

Well, when I woke up this morning, my wife asked me if I decided on what to read next. I told her not yet. She reminded me of her suggestion to read a fantasy. she then followed up with "Better yet, why not do a space opera? You haven't read one of those in a LONG time." Out of the mouths of babes, eh? (Hey, my wife is a total babe to me) The moment she said that, a light went on over my head, I hard a bell ring and the angels sang. SPACE OPERA! My first love in reading. Not just Science Fiction, but space opera!

Now, which one? The process starts.......

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