Monday, February 28, 2011

War of the Rats

Title: War of the Rats
Author: David L. Robbins
Publisher: Random House
Publication Date: June 2000
Genre: Historical Fiction
Pages: 512

I've always been fascinated with World War II. I get that from listening to the stories my grandfather used to tell me about his time on the U.S.S. Cogswell in the Pacific Theater. I love to read the history of the war as well as reading fictional accounts of the war. I became interested in the Battle of Stalingrad after seeing the move Enemy at the Gates. If you get the chance, see the movie. However, if you should see the movie, you MUST read War of the Rats. Yes, it is that much better.

As much as the book is about the Battle of Stalingrad, it is more about a duel between two snipers, Zaitsev (a Russian sniper) and Thorvald (a German sniper). You will learn everything Zaitsev knew and taught to his class on the battlefront of Stalingrad. You will become so wrapped up in this book that you will feel as though you are leading their lives. You will feel the devastation of the bombed out city of Stalingrad. You can taste the fear, and anger as you turn each page.

David L. Robbins did his homework on this one. The history is accurate, the biographical sketches of the characters is accurate save one. Nikki Mond is the only fictional character in the book and he is the summation of the German troops. Please do not think that this is a boring fictional account of one of World War II most intense battles. Far from it. Once you pick it up, I guarantee that you will not want to put it down. This book should have come with it's own warning label. something like "WARNING: DO NOT START IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO DO"

War of the Rats is David L. Robbins finest moment and not to be missed!

5 out of 5 stars
Re-readable factor of 5 out of 5

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