Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Manhunt: The 12 Day Chase For Lincoln's Killer

Manhunt by James L. Swanson: Book CoverTitle: Manhunt: The Twelve Day Chase For Lincoln's Killer
Author: James L. Swanson
Publisher: Harper Perennial
Publication Date: Febuary 2006
Genre: History
Pages: 444

Everyone knows the story of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, right? Guess again. I am not saying forget everything you know about the Lincoln assassination. I am saying that this book will add to what you know and may even set you straight on what you think you know. This book won the Edgar Award** for best non fiction. After the first chapter you see why.

Mr. Swanson takes you on a journey every bit as thrilling as any blockbuster movie. He gives you an almost minute by minute detail leading up to that dreadful moment when the trigger is pulled and the bullet is discharged from the gun. THEN the book really takes off on a twelve day chase for an injured John Wilkes Booth (he broke his leg when he jumped off the balcony after shooting Lincoln in the back of the head), through country side and swamp land, ending in the fire at Garrets farm that took the life of Booth.

The only thing missing from this book was a warning label telling the potential reader that this book is totally absorbing, addictive, readable, thrilling, and breath taking. Sure, we all know how the story ends. What is never taught in school is how close it came to never happening. Believe me there are plenty of moments where you will be saying, "Gee...I had no idea....."

** The Edgar Award is named after Edgar Allen Poe, the father of the mystery novel. It is awarded for excellence in mystery writing.

5 out of 5 stars.
Re-readable factor of 5 out of 5

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