Friday, February 18, 2011

Forum: A Horror Author Worth Reading

When I started reading horror fiction, I naturally started with Stephen King. I think everyone who wants to read horror has gone to him at one point or another. For my stepson (who is a horror connoisseur) there is no one better. Really, the sun rises and sets on Stephen King as far as this kid is concerned. BUT, and lets face it there is always a "but", I have come across an author who gives King a run for the money.

Richard Laymon (1947-2001)

Remember that name. Google that name. Run out to your local bookstore and see if there is anything available and scoop it up. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed.

Where Stephen King had you poking under your bed with a broom handle to make sure there are no monsters, Richard Laymon rips the broom handle from your grasp and beats you about the head with it. He is Stephen King without a conscience. This is the author where when you read his books you will find yourself saying "Surely he wouldn't...." and then he DOES! This is the kind of horror that catches you at the back of the throat and does not let go.

 Does it leave you Breathless? You're damn right it does.

Will you turn on every light in the house when you have to make a midnight run to go pee? Oh, most definitely! You might even make that trip fully armed! Or you might just hold it til dawn.

His books are loaded with the things that go bump in the night...and a lot of those bumps are caused not by monsters but by humans. As bad as some of his monsters are, the human counterpart is just a tad worse. In a couple of his books you will actually want to see the monster kill the human villain just so you can get some relief. THEN the monster has to go, or does it?

If you are familiar with Richard Laymon, then this is not news for you. However, if you are not, then you are really missing out on some great horror.

Suggested Titles:

The Cellar
The Travelling Vampire Show
The Stake
Resurrection Dreams
Come Out Tonight
Night in the Lonesome October
Body Rides
Among The Missing

Keep in mind this is not a total list of books that Richard Laymon has written. These are the ones that I've read and in some cases re-read.

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