Sunday, February 20, 2011

John Adams

Title: John Adams
Author: David McCullough
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication Date: May 2001
Genre: History/Biography
Pages: 751

Okay, you are probably wondering why I am starting President's Week with the second President of the United States and not the first. There are a couple of reasons. First, George Washington's birthday is this coming Tuesday. Second, John Adams is probably one of the most overlooked presidents in our history, especially when you consider all that he has done. So now you are probably scratching your head and asking what he has done. Well, read the book and find out!

I will be the first to admit that I was a bit skeptical to read a biography on John Adams. Why would I want to read a book about such a little known person. Considering that he has been overshadowed by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, why even bother? Historian David McCullough answers that question as only he can.

John Adams was a farmer and lawyer from the Massachusetts colony. He was proud of his Puritan background. He had an amazing intellect that was refined by his Harvard education, and often scorned those of a lesser intellect or those who disagreed with his firmly held beliefs.

You get a view of a man who tirelessly worked for the causes he believed in, especially freedom from oppression and personal liberty. He never compromised his principles in anything he fought for. We may never have severed ties with Britain had it not been for Adams' belief in securing that which was necessary for our country's future.

As much as this is about John Adams, it is also about his wife Abigail. You see how much his wife has aided him in everything he did and believed in, giving you a glimpse of just what she had also contributed to the American Revolution and the birth of our country.

This is so much more than just a biography of the second President of the United States. This is also a book about the beginning of our country, and the birth of democracy. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to know where our country came from. After reading it, you will get a deeper appreciation for John Adams, his life and his times.

5 out of 5 stars
Re-readable factor of 5 out of 5

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