Monday, March 28, 2011

Darth Bane: Path of Destruction

Title: Darth Bane: Path of Destruction
Author: Drew Karpyshyn
Publisher: Del Rey Books
Publication Date: June 2007
Genre: Science Fiction
Pages: 416

Okay, we've already established that I am a Star Wars fan. When I was going to physical therapy, the therapist working on me admitted to me that he has never seen any of the Star Wars movies. How the hell is that even possible? He told me that he tried to watch the first one (Episode IV: A New Hope...the original movie) and can only make it a half hour into it before he falls asleep. Are you frickin kidding me?!?!?!

Recently, I did a count of the novels in the Star Wars universe. Before you start any of the books, there will be a time line of all the novels and where the particular book you are reading fits into the timeline. Using that as a reference I came up with 132 books. Of those 132 books, I've read 39 of them. After a while, I grew away from them, they became repetitive and the characters that I've come to love became whiny and lost their strength. So I stopped reading the books for a while. Star Wars: Death Troopers rekindled my interest in the series. Darth Bane: Path of Destruction cemented that interest!

Dessel is a miner in the outer rim who wants nothing more than to break away from the life he is living. Long hours, back breaking work and owing the corporation moire than he can afford is becoming more than he can take. After a fight with another miner, in which he bites the thumb off of the other miner, he is suspended. He goes home, washes up, then goes to his favorite bar to gamble and drink. After a fight in which a Republic Soldier is killed, Dessel flees and joins the Sith army. There he gains the attention of the Dark Lords and is taken to the Sith Academy to train to become a Dark Lord.

In my opinion, Darth Bane is probably one of the darkest of the Sith lords. So much so that he makes Darth Vader look weak. His motives for becoming a Sith lord are totally different. He is power hungry and driven by that hunger. He totally surrenders himself over to the dark side of the Force. The true magic of this book is that you will actually want to see him succeed!

5 out of 5 stars.
Re-readable factor of 5 out of 5

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