Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Forum: It's All Fluff

One night, a long time ago, I was talking to a very good friend of mine. During the course of our conversation I aksed her what she was reading. Anyone who knows me knows that this particular question will come up during the course of any conversation. I am a book lover. My friends love books. We talk about books as much as we talk about our families and our lives. Any way, on this particular night, my friend (Karen) and I started talking books. when asked what she was reading, she simply said "Fluff"

"Fluff?" I asked "What kind of fluff?"

"You know" she replied "Fluff"

Well, that got me thinking. There are many many kinds of fluff. There's thriller fluff, romantic fluff, western fluff, sci-fi/fantast fluff, and by now you get the idea. In fact, I would go as far as to say fluff is the most dangerous substance in the known universe. It is the stuff that ideas both great and idiotic, are born of.

Fluff has the power to take us away from our every day lives and let us live the adventerous life we have always dreamed of. When was the last time you rode on the back of a dragon? The last time you were swept off your feet by a dashing rogue? The last time you were asked to figure out a mystery? When was the last time you explored our past? When was the last time you explored the many mysteries of our universe? Fluff helps you do all that and more!

When you get down to it, it is all fluff!

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