Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Howling Legion (Skinners #2)

Title: Howling Legion (Skinners #2)
Author: Marcus Pelegrimas
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication Date: October 2009
Genre: Urban Fantasy/Horror
Pages: 384

Can lightning strike the same place twice? Well if the place is your local bookstore and the lightning is in the form of Marcus Pelegrimas' writing, then the answer is most definitely yes. And what a bolt of lightning it is!

Howling Legion is the follow up to Blood Blade (If you remember, I went over Blood Blade last week, and gave it 5 out of 5 stars.) Cole is still a video game designer, and a Skinner in training. Part of the draw of this book for me is the fact that he is still trying to juggle both worlds. Lets face it, if you could devote your life to kicking supernatural ass, wouldn't you? And yet you can feel Cole's inner conflict over his wanting to serve in both worlds. To honor the commitment to his partners back in Seattle as well as honoring his commitment to becoming a Skinner. With the ever seductive Paige Strobel as his trainer, who can blame him for hanging around?

The action is fast, frenetic and very very satisfying. The character development is such that not only do you become a part of their lives, you feel as though you've known these people all your life. I've seen reviews that say words to the effect "Should please fans of Twilight.....", but it goes far beyond that. If you are looking for a book series that brings vampires, werewolves and things that go bump in the night to life, then this is the series for you. This is one of those series that does two things as you read it. 1) You see the movie in your mind as you go from page to page. 2) You want to see the video game of it come out. Oh yes, it would be one hell of a video game!

As I have said before, if you go to the bookstore looking for this book and you see the other ones on the shelf next to it, pick them up! I am currently reading number three (Teeth of Beasts), and did not pick up number four (Vampire Uprising) when I had the chance. Now I had to special order it and am waiting for it to come in, and the wait is killing me!

5 out of 5 stars
Re-readable factor of 5 out of 5

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