Monday, March 14, 2011

Ghost Story

Title: Ghost Story
Author: Peter Straub
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication Date: 1979
Genre: Horror
Pages: 560

It was autumn of 1979 when I first read this book. Back then everyone was going crazy over Stephen King, and I wanted something a little different. I found it in a convenience store, and it found its way into my pocket. When I got it home, I started to read it. The opening sentence "What is the worst thing you've ever done?" scared the hell out of me because the worst thing I had ever done was steal that book! So I raided my piggy bank and had enough to pay for the book, so I took it back and told the store owner what I had done and laid the book and the money on the counter. I apologized profusely and was scared out of my wits as to what was going to happen (I was only 14 and never did anything like this). The store owner looked at me and said "Most kids your age are either stealing candy, soda, beer or a pack of smokes. You take a book and come back with it and the money. Take the book kid, if it means that much to you." So I picked the book up and left the money on the counter. He called out to me and said "You forgot your money kid." I turned around and read that first sentence out of the book and told him I wanted to pay for it. "If that's the worst thing you've ever done then you are far ahead of the rest kid. Take your money back and consider it a gift from me. Just come back and tell me about it."

Ghost Story  is about four aging men and a secret held between them. For most of their lives, they think they have gotten away with murder, only to be haunted by the act they committed when they are old men. One by one they are dying, being lured to their deaths by the same woman they killed in their youth. This may be over simplified, but I really do not want to give away too much of this book.

Rest assured this book will scare the hell out of you. It is the kind of book that will dim the lights around you. It grabs you by the throat and does not let go. And the slightest sound will make you leap for the ceiling. (I was living with my grandmother the third time I read it, went to go to the bathroom at 4 in the morning when I had just finished it, heard some voices and went back to bed and held it til the sun came up!) Yes, it is that good!

5 out of 5 stars
Re-readable factor of 5+ out of 5

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