Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Forum: Baen Books

A lot of my friends will ask me to recommend a good sci-fi or fantasy read. Instead of giving specific books or authors, sometimes I will recommend a publishing company, especially if that company has what I consider high quality reading material. In order for me to recommend a publishing company, they have to be consistent in putting out great reading material, and not just a good book here or there.

Baen Books is such a company. Started by Jim Baen in 1983, Baen Books soon became one of the great publishing houses in Science Fiction and Fantasy. What makes them so great? First, authors. Yes, they have some of the hottest authors in the business, especially some of my favorites from when I started reading Science Fiction and Fantasy. The second thing that makes them great is variety. They do not just specialize in one type of science fiction or fantasy. They embrace all types. Anything from hard core Science Fiction to Raging Heroic Fantasy, they have it covered. The final thing that makes them great is the size of the print in the books. Let's face it, my eyes are old. 45 going on 46 years old. Considering that I spent a great part of those years reading, it might be safe to say that some damage was done, to the point that I need glasses. The print in Baen's books is very comfortable to read.

If you want to find out for yourself, but do not want to go to the bookstore, visit baen books at the following link:

As always, happy reading.

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