Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The General's Daughter

Title: The General's Daughter
Author: Nelson DeMille
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Publication Date: December 2001
Genre: Thriller
Pages: 468

I first became aware of Nelson DeMille's writing when I started working on a Child and Adolescent unit at a mental health hospital in the south. Luckily, I fell in with a group of readers and on break we would often discuss what we were currently reading. One of the nurses was reading The General's Daughter, and I asked her if DeMille was any good as a writer. She enthusiastically recommended him. So, that weekend i went out and got a copy of The General's Daughter. I finished it by the end of that weekend.

Captain Anne Campbell is the daughter of legendary General Joe Campbell, and a West Point graduate. She is the army's golden girl and the pride of Fort Hadley. That is until her body is found naked and bound on the firing range one morning. Paul Brenner, a member of the army's elite undercover unit, is teamed up with rape specialist Cynthia Sunhill. Together they must get beyond a failed affair they had in the past to find out why someone would want the generals daughter dead. Together they will find out how many people were emotionally and sexually involved with Anne Campbell, and just how the pressed uniforms and honor code of the army can hide corruption in its many forms.

This book is a quick read. The characters are engaging enough, but also cliched. It is difficult to become emotionally invested in them. The ending is also a tad bit predictable if you pay attention to what is going on.

3 out of 5 stars for predictable characters and ending.
Re-readable factor of 1 out of 5

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