Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Les Miserables

Title: Les Miserables
Author: Victor Hugo
Publisher: Penguin Group
Publication Date: 1987
Genre: Classic Literature
Pages: 1488

Way back in 1989, my mother wanted me to get the soundtrack to the Broadway play Les Miserables for her friend. So I went to the store and picked it up for her, and me being me I picked up the wrong one. She wanted the one where Gary Morris sang. So I kept the soundtrack. (I have a thing for soundtracks, ask my wife, she'll tell you). After listening to it, I immediately fell in love with the story. I HAD to get the book. Off to the bookstore I went. What i loved about this particular bookstore is that the classical literature section was in the back of the store and it was set up like a library in a mansion: Comfortable chairs, wooden bookcases, a couple of tables with lamps. It had a classical feel to it. The problem that was before me was which edition to get. There were several to choose from. I wanted the whole story, so as soon as I saw "Complete and Unabridged" on the cover I was sold!

At it's core, Les Miserables is the story of Jean Valjean, a man who went to prison for stealing some bread to feed is dying nephew. He was originally sentenced to five years but spent eighteen years for repeated escape attempts. He finds life dismal after he is paroled. He is forever labelled as an ex-convict and treated as little better than the dirt on one's shoes. He breaks parole and becomes a successful business man. Soon, he crosses paths with his nemesis, Inspector Javert, the man who is hunting for the ex-con who broke parole. Javert does not recognize him and tells him the he has Valjean in chains and is ready to send him back to prison. The real Valjean goes to the trial and confesses who he is, and then goes on the run. He now has a child in his care, the daughter (Cossette) of one of his workers (Fantine), that he has promised to take care of at the mother's death bed. There is no way he can go to prison and break a death bed promise.

Les Miserables is a story of love and war, the brightest and darkest side of human nature, oppression and the desire for freedom. The characters are rich, detailed, and anyone who reads it will find at least one character they truly relate to. You do not just read this book, you live it.

5 out of 5 stars
Re-readable factor of 2 out of 5

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